Our purpose is to make people ready for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and to equip them for kingdom impact. If you are looking for a place where the five-fold ministry is practiced or if you are looking for a spirit-filled church where you can experience the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, then this might be a home for you. We honor and value every color, race, and nationality as indicated in the following scripture.

Rev 7:9 NIV  After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.


Pillars of Our Church

Our Church is founded on the following four main pillars according to Act 2:42.

  • The teaching of the Holy Scriptures (2 Tim 3:10,16)
  • Prayer revival (Act 1:14, 4:31, 6:4; Rom 12:12)
  • Fellowship (Act 2:46; 4:23; 5:12-14; 1Jn1:3; 1Jn 1:7)
  • Sharing with the underprivileged (Act 2:46; 20:7,11)

You will experience the following in our services:

  • The presence of God through worship
  • Prayer and prophetic atmosphere
  • The teaching of the Word of God
  • Manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit: prophecy, miracles, healing, speaking in tongues, deliverance, etc.