We are a non-denominational and multi-cultural church (depicting heaven on earth) serving everyone, including the international/immigrant community. We believe in the tangible manifestation of the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in other tongues, healing, miracles, prophecy, and casting of demons.

Our Vision

Making people ready and prepared for heaven and equipping them for kingdom impact

Our Mission

Reaching the unreached with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Values

  • We seek to glorify God in all things at all times: Our attitude, behavior, speech, actions, and character must bring honor to the name of Jesus
  • We make the Church a family: Our Church is a home for everyone. We express practical love and care for everyone with the love of Christ irrespective of their background and race.
  • We are a culturally diverse church: Home for every race and culture as it would be in heaven. Feel free to worship and praise God in your style.
  • We are outreach focus: We want to evangelize our community, plant churches beyond our community, and support world outreach.
  • We seek to Equip others: Training others to become tools in the hands of God.